Can you help? Would you like to win a free afternoon of brainstorming thanks to a creative agency? You would? Brilliant! Have a read of this and fill in the survey.
by Alan Oram
We’ve got a cunning plan. We’re creating a valuable, practical tool to help internal comms folk find smart and effective ways to get organisations across the land working more creatively by sharing top tips, key trends, practical advice and cracking ideas… And we’d like a little help from our friends to cross the finish line.
A recent study by IBM of over 1,500 CEOs worldwide found that innovation and creativity were the most desired leadership skills for the 21st century. And as the great Sir Ken Robinson said, “Creativity now is as important as literacy and we should treat it with the same status.” But in these times where resources are limited and it’s all hands to the pump, how do we squeeze creativity into our everyday working lives? What’s everybody else up to in terms of utilising tools and technology to help creativity flow? And is it really working?
We’ve been compiling some excellent material for our report and we’d really appreciate some input from others to make it even better. We’ve put together a short survey for internal communicators, engagement specialists and HR professionals in order to gather facts, figures, averages and insights that we can present in a highly engaging and impactful report.
Here’s the link to the survey – https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/creative-comms-survey - we’d very much appreciate responses by Friday 5th September.
And by way of thanks, we’re entering all those who complete the survey into a draw to win a half-day creativity/ideas generation workshop, taking you another step closer to kick-ass creative comms!
Finally and most importantly, remember to leave your details at the end of the survey so that we can post out the free report and enter you into the draw for our creativity workshop.
Alan Oram is Director at Alive With Ideas, an Ideas Agency focused on creative internal comms.