the year our business went social

Just under a year ago, Northwards Housing introduced Yammer to their organisation, changing the face of internal communications.  One year on and Steve Finegan brings us right up to date with more fascinating insights into the benefits of implementing a social enterprise network.

by Steve Finegan

In 2012, my guest post described how Yammer had been an instant hit with our employees as we set about finding a replacement for our out-dated intranet.  Our voluntary adoption strategy of simply allowing employees to join the Yammer network started us on a journey, quite literally, into the unknown.  This journey was also reflective of the wider business of course, because we’re constantly evolving and responding to the environment around us.  This is an area where Yammer is strong.  It can be very responsive to change and discussions on the network regularly reflect live issues rising organically from literally anywhere across the organisation. 

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